A New Age of Sanitation

With the upcoming flu season posing much greater threats to human health than usual, it is more important than ever to adopt adequate sanitation practices in any public space as well as your own home. However, the most overlooked source of germs, pollutants, bacteria, and viruses is the air that we trust to live in within our homes. According to a study conducted by the American Lung Association, 87% of homeowners in the United States are unaware that the air quality inside their seemingly clean homes have the potential to incite various infections, diseases, asthma, and the risk of lung cancer. Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants.

 With the use of our Thermonet Teqair ionic purifiers, households across the globe will have the ability to naturally and effortlessly eliminate floating pathogens. Controlling the exposure of allergens, tobacco smoke, other pollutants with the use of TeqAir purifiers could prevent up to 65% of asthma cases, and up to 60% of cases of breathing issues caused by biological contaminants. In another TeqAir study, the TeqAir 200 system was able to reduce the number of air particles greater than 0.3μm from 3,762 all the way down to 756, having removed 80% of the pollution in only half an hour. 

Our TeqAir devices mimic the purification cycles of nature by creating ion production, a process that is naturally carried out by the mountains and trees in our natural environment. The TeqAirs omit negatively-charged ions into the air, which attach themselves to viruses, bacteria, and other floating contaminants in order to weigh them down to the floor and out of your breathing radius. This also makes the devices 100% maintenance free, as there is no need to constantly replace filters like with most purifiers in the market today. 

As we spend a majority of our lives breathing the air within our home, it is imperative that we take care of ourselves and our families by providing the cleanest, healthiest air possible, especially during the approaching season of immune system vulnerability. To learn more about our TeqAir 200 and TeqAir 450 systems, visit our purifier page and order yours today!


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